
Montréal fête la Bavière

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um Fr, 19/09/2014 - 15:30

Get ready for an exclusive and authentic Bavarian experience. The Festival Montréal fête la Bavière will run from October 3 to 5 at Marché Bonsecours in Old Montreal. The event will feature an extensive lineup of products, beers - including brands like Fürstenberg, Hacker Pschorr, Hofbräu, König Ludwig, Schneider and Warsteiner - and vines (such as Deinhard and Henkell), as well as specialty cheeses for your to sample and enjoy.

Film Festival coming back to the city

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um So, 17/08/2014 - 15:51

The Montreal Film Festival is coming back to the city from Aug. 21 to Sept. 1. The festival will again bring a varity of films from across the world to Montreal, including several films produced in Germany or in German. We invite you to check out our listings and explore some of the films, the 38th edition of the Festival has to offer. Continue to the Event Page.

New German Montreal jobPortal

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um Mo, 14/07/2014 - 22:42

Looking for a job? Looking to hire a new employee? The German Society of Montreal is proud to announce its new jobPortal service for companies in Montreal. To portal is geared towards jobs offered by businesses from German-speaking countries operating in Montreal as well as local businesses offering jobs that are related to the German culture and/or require German language skills. Check it out at

German Society on Wikipedia

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um So, 13/07/2014 - 01:55

The German Society of Montreal is currently working on a project to improve and expand the Wikipedia article on the Society. We invite you to take a look at the work in progress on Wikipedia. Writing the article is a lot of work. If you would like to help or could assist us with translating the final version into the German and French versions of Wikipedia, please let us now. Every little bit can help us preserve our history.

German Roots - solid on Canadian soil

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um Di, 10/06/2014 - 17:44

Der Montréal-based German-language newspaper "Das Echo" recently published an article about the German community living in Montreal. We would like to thank the paper and its publisher and editor-in-chief Mr. Walter for allowing us to publish the article on the German Society's website.

For more information about the paper please visit its website:

Das Echo (


Anniversary Ball of the German Society

Gespeichert von Gisela Steinle am/um Mo, 24/02/2014 - 02:07

In order to get started with the preparations for our 180th Anniversary Ball in 2015, we would like to encourage all of you, but especially our younger members, to e-mail us at and let us know if and how you are willing to help prepare, organize, and help run the Ball. We don’t think we can do without you! Debutants and escorts are naturally also always needed. To find out more, please visit the 2015 Ball Committee page!


Stammtisch Update

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um Do, 23/01/2014 - 23:18

Due to the increasing success of the German Montreal Stammtisch since last October, we have deciced that the event is here to stay.

Yesterday, over 20 people came together at the 6à8 Stammtisch at Les 3-Brasseurs on McGill College Avenue and Ste.-Cartherine Street. From now on we will organize the Stammtisch every third Wednesday of the month.


German Montreal Weekly

Gespeichert von Nico Ahn am/um Fr, 03/01/2014 - 01:49

Every week on Monday, the German Society will bring you its free online newspaper German Montreal Weekly, summarizing what the Society and its partner organizations are sharing in the social media. Check out and bookmark the first edition of the e-paper on today.



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